Title Page
1. Normal Cell Communication
2. Cancer: A Communication Failure
3. Detecting the Troublemakers
4. Molecular Diagnostics
5. Gene Expression Patterns
6. Pause For a Science Lesson
7. Lesson 1: Genomic DNA and Genes
8. Lesson 2: Genes Express mRNA
9. Lesson 3: Expression Changes With Cell Type
10. Finding Genes With Microarrays
11. Finding Genes With Microarrays (cont.)
12. Using DNA Microarrays to Measure Gene Expression
13. Using DNA to Compare Cancer Cells to Normal Cells
14. Making Sense of the Data
15. Microarrays Come In Many Models
16. Cancer-Specific Gene Expression
17. Potential Markers for Metastasis
18. Subtyping Cancer
19. Lymphomas and Microarray Research
20. Microarray Predicts Survival
21. Finding New Drugs With Microarrays
22. HER-2/NEU Protein as Target
23. An Antibody Called Herceptin
24. Using Expression Patterns to Choose Treatments
25. SNPs Microarrays Check Drug Metabolism
26. Molecular Diagnostics and Proteomics
27. Proteomics Maps Protein Patterns
28. Proteomics Maps Protein Patterns (cont.)
29. Laser Capture Microdissection
30. Finding Subsets
31. Protein Patterns and Diagnosis
32. Importance of Diagnostic Test Sensitivity
33. Importance of Diagnostic Test Sensitivity (cont.)
34. Importance of Diagnostic Test Specificity
35. Importance of Diagnostic Test Specificity (cont.)
36. From Patterns to Screening Tool
37. From Known Samples to Serum Proteins
38. Molecular Mop
39. Serum Proteins Can Serve as Markers
40. Molecular Diagnostics Has Many Uses
41. In the Future
42. Clinical Trials: Making the Future the Present