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FOOTNOTES:[1] First written about tea; improperly claimed to have been written of coffee. [2] First written about tea; improperly claimed to have been written of coffee. [3] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895 (p. 55). [4] Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Traités Nouveaux et Curieux du Café, du Thé, et du Chocolat. Lyons, 1684. [5] Coffee covered with the skin is called boun, and the coffee-tree, boun-tree (sejar et boun). [6] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan. [7] Notice must be taken of the similarity in the names of coffee in Hindustan and Abyssinia, and of the name of the coffee-tree as given by ancient authors. [8] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan. [9] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan. [10] These four dialects are spoken in Hindustan. [11] See note 3 above. [12] Legal and Houri mean tree. [13] Legal and Houri mean tree. [14] North-American Indian. [15] La Roque, Jean. Voyage de l'Arabie Heureuse. Paris, 1716. [16] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895. (p. 102). [17] Année Littéraire. Paris, 1774 (vol. vi: p. 217). [18] Franklin, Alfred. La Vie Privée d'Autrefois. Paris, 1893. [19] Michaud, I.F. and L.G. Biographie Universelle. Paris. [20] Daney, Sidney. Histoire de la Martinique. Fort Royal, 1846. [21] Inauguration du Jardin Desclicux. Fort de France, 1918. [22] Dufour, Philippe Sylvestre. Traités Nouveaux et Curieux du Café, du Thé, et du Chocolat. Lyons, 1684. (Title page has Traitez; elsewhere, Traités.) [23] Robinson, Edward Forbes. The Early History of Coffee Houses in England. London, 1893. [24] Encyclopedia Britannica. 1910. (vol. xv: p. 291.) [25] Galland, Antoine. Lettre sur l'Origine et le Progres du Café. Paris, 1699. [26] The Abd-al-Kâdir manuscript is described and illustrated in chapter XXXII. [27] Rauwolf, Leonhard. Aigentliche beschreibung der Raisis so er vor diser zeit gegen auffgang inn die morgenlaender volbracht. Lauwingen, 1582–83. [28] Della Valle, Pierre (Pietro). De Constantinople à Bombay, Lettres. 1615. (vol. i: p. 90.) [29] "She mingled with the wine the wondrous juice of a plant which banishes sadness and wrath from the heart and brings with it forgetfulness of every woe." [30] Scheuzer, J.J. Physique Sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Bible. Amsterdam, 1732, 1737. [31] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895. [32] La Roque, Jean. Voyage dans l'Arabie Heureuse, de 1708 à 1713, et Traité Historique du Café. Paris, 1715. (pp. 247, 251.) [33] Adjam, by many writers wrongly rendered Persia. [34] Scheuzer, J.J. Physique Sacrée, ou Histoire Naturelle de la Bible. Amsterdam, 1732, 1737. [35] Harper's Weekly. New York, 1911. (Jan. 21.) [36] Nairon, Antoine Faustus. De Saluberrimá Cahue seu Café nuncupata Discursus. Rome, 1671. [37] de Sacy, Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre. Chresto-nathie Arabe. Paris, 1806. (vol. ii: p. 224.) [38] Olearius, Adam. An Account of His Journeys. London, 1669. [39] Niebuhr, Karstens. Description of Arabia. Amsterdam, 1774. (Heron trans., London, 1792: p. 266.) [40] A Collection of Voyages and Travels. London, 1745. (vol. iv: p. 690.) [41] Molmenti, Pompeo. La Storia di Venezia nella Vita Privata. Bergamo, 1908. (pt. 3: p. 245.) [42] Goldoni, Carlo. La Bottega di Caffè. 1750. [43] Hazlitt, W. Carew. The Venetian Republic. London, 1905, (vol. 2: pp. 1012–15.) [44] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et le Café. Paris, 1895. (p. 16.) [45] "Drop by drop they take it in," said Cotovicus. [46] Misprinted thus in the original Dutch and here. Read Chaoua, i.e., Arabic qahwah. [47] Laurel berry, of which the taste is bitter and disagreeable. From Latin bacca lauri. [48] Arabic, bunn; coffee berries. [49] Brandewijn in original Dutch. [50] Mead. [51] Purchas His Pilgrimes. London, 1625. [52] Sandys, Sir George. Sandys' Travels. London, 1673. (p. 66.) [53] Bacon, Francis. Sylva Sylvarum. London, 1627. (vol. v: p. 26.) [54] Burton, Robert. The Anatomy of Melancholy. Oxford, 1632. (pt. 2: sec. 5: p. 397.) This reference does not appear in the earlier editions of 1621, 24, 28. [55] Herbert, Sir T. Travels. London, ed. 1638. (p. 241.) [56] Blount, Sir Henry. A Voyage Into the Levant. London. 1671. (pp. 20, 21, 54, 55, 138, 139.) [57] Gilbert, Gustav. The Constitutional Antiquities of Sparta and Athens. London, 1895. (p. 69.) [58] Aubrey, John. Lives of Eminent Men. London, 1813. (vol. ii: pt. 2: pp. 384–85.) [59] Works. (vol. iv: p. 389.) [60] à Wood, Anthony. Athenae Oxonienses. London, 1692. (vol. ii: col. 658.) [61] Parkinson, John. Theatrum Botanicum. London, 1640. (p. 1622.) [62] D'Israeli, I. Curiosities of Literature. London, 1798. (vol. i: p. 345.) [63] A weight of from 133 to 140 pounds. [64] See chapter XXXII. [65] Vulcaren,. John Peter A. Relation of the Siege of Vienna. 1684. [66] Bermann, M. Alt und Neu Wien. Vienna, 1880. (p. 964.) [67] Manuscript in the Bodleian Library. [68] See also chapter XXVIII. [69] The Romance of Trade. London. (chap. ii; p. 31.) [70] Pasqua Rosée's sign. Kitt's (or Bowman's) sign was a coffee pot. [71] Hatton, Edward. New View of London. London, 1708. (vol. i: p. 30.) [72] The prosecution came under the heading, "Disorders and Annoys." [73] Rumsey (or Ramsey), W. Organon Salutis. London, 1657. [74] Also given as Sir James Muddiford, Murford, Mudford, Moundeford, and Modyford. [75] The Dutch admiral who, in June, 1667, dashed into the Downs with a fleet of eighty "sail", and many "fire-ships", blocked up the mouths of the Medway and Thames, destroyed the fortifications at Sheerness, cut away the paltry defenses of booms and chains drawn across the rivers, and got to Chatham, on the one side, and nearly to Gravesend on the other, the king having spent in debauchery the money voted by Parliament for the proper support of the English navy. [76] General Monk and Prince Rupert were at this time commanders of the English fleet. [77] Lillie (Lilly) was the celebrated astrologer of the Protectorate, who earned great fame at that time by predicting, in June, 1645, "if now we fight, a victory stealeth upon us;" a lucky guess, signally verified in the King's defeat at Naseby. Lilly thenceforth always saw the stars favourable to the Puritans. [78] This man was originally a fishing-tackle maker in Tower Street during the reign of Charles I; but turning enthusiast, he went about prognosticating "the downfall of the King and Popery;" and as he and his predictions were all on the popular side, he became a great man with the superstitious "godly brethren" of that day. [79] Turnball, or Turnbull-street, as it is still called, had been for a century previous of infamous repute. In Beaumont and Fletcher's play, the Knight of the Burning Pestle, one of the ladies who is undergoing penance at the barber's, has her character sufficiently pointed out to the audience, in her declaration, that she had been "stolen from her friends in Turnball-street." [80] Anderson. Adam. Historical and Chronological Deduction of the Origin of Commerce. London. 1787. [81] See chapter III. [82] More fully described in chapter XXXII. [83] See chapter XXXII. [84] Wroth, Warwick. The London Pleasure Gardens of the 18th Century. London, 1896. [85] There were six places, all told, bearing the name "Man's". Alexander Man was coffee maker to William III. [86] Salvandy, Narcisse-Achille. Influence des Cafés sur les Moeurs Politiques. [87] Singleton, Esther. Dutch New York. New York, 1909. (p. 132.) [88] Bishop, J. Leander. A History of American Manufactures, 1608 to 1860. New York, 1864. (Vol. 1; p. 259.) [89] Patterson, Robert W. Early Society in Southern Illinois. Chicago, 1881. [90] Andreas, A.T. History of Chicago. Chicago, 1884. [91] Singleton, Esther. Dutch New York. 1909. (p. 133.) [92] Bishop, J. Leander. A History of American Manufactures, 1608 to 1860. New York. [93] Oberholtzer, Ellis Paxson. Philadelphia: a history of the city and its people. Philadelphia, 1912. (vol. 1: p. 106.) [94] Freeman, W.G. The World's Commercial Products. Boston, (p. 176.) [95] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1918. (vol. xxxv: no. 4.) [96] Dr. Cramer considers C. Maragogipe "the finest coffee known; it has a highly developed, splendid flavor." [97] Journal of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Nov. 15, 1921. (vol. v: no. 2: pp. 274–288.) [98] The Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1912. (vol. xxiii: no. 3.) [99] Die Menschlichen Genussmittel, 1911. (p. 300.) [100] See chapter XVI. [101] These and all other numbered drawings in this chapter are from Andrew L. Winton's The Microscopy of Vegetable Foods, copyright 1916, and reprinted by permission. [102] Jour. Am. Chem. Soc., 1919 (vol. xli: p. 1306). [103] Anstead, R.D. Annals on Applied Biology, 1915 (vol. i: pp. 299–302). [104] Huntington, L.M. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxxiii: p. 228). [105] Gorter, Ann. (vol. ccclxxii: pp. 237–46). Schulte, A. Z. Nahr. Genussm. (vol. xxvii: pp. 200–25). Loew, Oscar. Ann. Rep. P.R. Agr. Expt. Sta., 1907 (pp. 41–55). [106] Sencial. El Hacendado Mex. (vol. ix: p. 191). [107] Pique, R. Bull. Assoc. Chim. sucr. dist. (vol. xxiv: pp. 1210–13). [108] Pharm. Jour., 1886 (vol. xvii: p. 656). [109] U.S. Pat., 113,832, April 18, 1871. [110] U.S. Pat., 660,602, Oct. 30, 1900. [111] French Pat., 379,036, Aug. 28, 1906. [112] French Pat., 359,451, Nov. 15, 1905. [113] British Pat., 26,905, Dec. 9, 1904. [114] U.S. Pat., 843,530, Feb. 5, 1907. [115] U.S. Pat., 1,313,209, Aug. 12, 1919. [116] U.S. Pat., 134,792, Jan. 14, 1873. [117] British Pat., 7,427, Mar. 24, 1910. [118] U.S. Pat., 997,431, July 11, 1911. [119] British Pat., 23,087, Oct. 9, 1912. French Pat., 449,343, Oct. 12, 1912. [120] British Pat., 21,397, Sept. 26, 1907. French Pat., 382,238, Sept. 26, 1907. U.S. Pat., 982,902, Jan. 31, 1911. [121] Pharm. Zentralhalle, 1915 (vol. lvi: pp. 343–48). [122] Münch. Med. Wochschr., (vol. lviii: pp. 1868–72). [123] Commercial Organic Analysis. [124] Ann. Chem. Pharm. 1867 (vol. cxlii: p. 230). [125] Inaugural Diss., Munich. 1903. [126] Comptes Rendus, 1897 (vol. cxxiv: p. 1458). [127] Dict. App. Chem., 1913 (vol. v: p. 393). [128] U.S. Dept. Agr. Bur. Chem. Bull. 105, 1907. (p. 42). [129] Ann. (vol. cccviii: pp. 327–348). Ibid. (vol. ccclxxii: pp. 237, 246). Arch. Pharm. (vol. ccxlvii: pp. 184–196). [130] Jour. Soc. Chem., Ind., 1910 (vol. xxix: p. 138). [131] Z. Nahr. Genussm. (vol. xxi: p. 295). [132] Paladino, Gazetta, 1895 (vol. xxv: no. 1: p. 104). Forster & Riechelmann, Zeitsch. öffent. Chem., 1897 (vol. iii: p. 129). Polstorff, K. Wallach-Festschrift, 1909 (pp. 569–83). [133] Private communication. [134] U.S. Pat., 716,878, Dec. 30, 1902. [135] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1920 (vol. xxxviii: pp. 321–22). [136] Jour. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1907 (vol. xxix: p. 1091). [137] Ber., 1895 (vol. xxviii: p. 3137); 1899 (vol. xxxii: p. 435); 1900 (vol. xxxiii: p. 3035). [138] Willcox & Rentschler. Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1910 (vol. xix: p. 440). [139] Fricke, E. Zeits. f. angew. Chemie., 1889 (pp. 121–122). [140] Willcox & Rentschler. Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1911 (vol. xx: p. 355). [141] U.S. Pat., 897,840, Sept. 1, 1908. [142] British Pat., 144,988, March 19, 1920. [143] French Pat., 412,550, Feb. 12, 1910. [144] U.S. Pat., 947,577, Jan. 25, 1910. [145] Jour. Chem. Soc., 1857 (vol. ix: p. 34). [146] Wien. Akad. Ber. (2 Abth.) (vol. lxxxi: pp. 1032–1043). Monatsh, f. Chem., 1880 (vol. i: p. 456). [147] Zeits. f. Untersuch. d. Nahr. u. Genussm., 1898 (vol. vii: pp. 457–472) [148] Ber., 1901 (vol. xxxv: pp. 1846–1854). [149] Compt. rend. (vol. clvii: pp. 212–13). [150] Bull. Pharm., 1916 (vol. xxx: pp. 276–78). [151] Dict. App. Chem., 1913 (vol. ii: p. 99). [152] U.S. Dispensatory, 19th Ed., 1907 (p. 145). [153] Monatsh. f. Chem. (vol. xxxiii: pp. 1389–1406). [154] Bull. Pharm., 1916 (vol. xxx: pp. 276–78). [155] Apoth. Ztg. (vol. xxii: pp. 919–20). Pharm. Weekbl., 1907 (vol. xxxvii). [156] Monatsh. f. Chem. (vol. xxxi: p. 1227). [157] Jour. Landw., 1904 (vol. lii: p. 93). [158] Amer. Chem. Jour., 1892 (vol. xiv: p. 473). [159] Analyst, 1902 (vol. xxvi: p. 116). [160] 58 Mon. Sci. (vol. iii: no. 6: p. 779). [161] J.P.C., 1867 (p. 307). [162] Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 1918 (vol. xxviii: pp. 136–141). [163] Feitler, S.: Eng. Pat., 19,845, Aug. 28, 1897. [164] U.S. Pat., 33,453, Oct. 8, 1861. U.S. Pat., 75,829, March 24, 1868. U.S. Pat., 701,750, June 3, 1902. [165] U.S. Pat., 943,238, Dec. 14, 1909. [166] U.S. Pat., 703,508, July 1, 1902. U.S. Pat., 865,203, Sept. 3, 1907. [167] Winter, H.: U.S. Pat., 997,431, Aug. 28, 1897. [168] Simon, M., Jr.: Ger. Pat., 253,419, Feb. 19, 1911. [169] Von Niessen: British Pat., 7,427, Mar. 24, 1910. [170] Eng. Pat., 5,776, Mar. 19, 1895. [171] U.S. Pat., 832,322. [172] Eng. Pat., 8,270, April 24, 1893. [173] U.S. Pat., 994,785, June 13, 1911. [174] Am. J. Pharm., 1915 (vol. lxxxvii: pp. 524–26). [175] Orig. Com. 8th Intern. Cong. Appl. Chem. (Appen.) (vol. xxvi: p. 389) [176] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1920 (vol. xxxix: pp. 318–19). [177] King, J.E.: U.S. Pat. 1,263,434. [178] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxxiii: pp. 552–55). [179] Loc. cit. (see 175). [180] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1911 (vol. xx: p. 34). [181] Pharm. Weekbl. voor Nederl., 1899 (no. 13). Apoth. Ztg., 1899 (p. 14). [182] Jour. Assoc. Off. Agri. Chem., 1920 (vol. iii: p. 501). [183] Blyth, Wynter. Foods, 1909 (p. 359). [184] Petermann. Bied. Zentr., 1899 (vol. ii: p. 211). [185] Association of Official Agricultural Chemists. Sept., 1920. [186] Association of Official Agricultural Chemists, Sept., 1920. [187] U.S. Dept. Agri., Div. of Chem. Bull. 13 (pt. 7: p. 908). [188] Niles. G.M. Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1910 (vol. xix: no. 1: p. 27). [189] Through The Sun, New York, July 17, 1910. [190] Annales Politiques et Littéraires, through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1906 (vol. x: p. 303). [191] Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1891 (vol. xvi). [192] The Times, London, Oct. 1, 1904; through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1911 (vol. xxi: p. 36). [193] Good Housekeeping, through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1912 (vol. xxiii: p. 237). [194] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxiv: p. 455). [195] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1912 (vol. xxiii: p. 356). [196] Good Housekeeping, through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1915 (vol. xxviii: p. 533). [197] Good Housekeeping, through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1915 (vol. xxviii: p. 533). [198] Atti. accad. Lincei, 1915 (vol. xxiv: no. 2: pp. 543–48). [199] Nalpasse, Dr. Valentin, loc. cit. (see 190). Flint, Dr. Austin B. Text Book of Physiology. Wood, H.C., Jr. Therapeutic Gazette, 1912 (vol. xxxvi: p. 13). [200] Compt. rend. (vol. cxlviii: p. 1541). [201] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvi: p. 539). [202] Arch. exp. Path. Pharm., 1907 (vol. lvii: p. 214). [203] Universal Dictionary, 1897 (vol. i: p. 1097). [204] Handbuch der Physiologie, 1881 (vol. vi: p. 435). [205] The Coffee Club, 1921 (vol. i: p. 4). [206] Saturday Evening Post, through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvii: p. 586). [207] Loc. cit. (see 192). [208] Seven Truths to Teach the Young in Regard to Life and Sex, No. 2. [209] Loc. cit. (see 190). [210] Ladies' Home Journal, Dec., 1916 (p. 37). [211] Loc. cit. (see 194). [212] Psych. Clin. (vol. vi: pp. 56–58). [213] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., June, 1905 (p. 274). [214] Ladies' Home Journal, Dec., 1916 (p. 37). [215] The Prolongation of Life. [216] Hekteon and LeConte. [217] Through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvi: pp. 29–32). [218] Old Age Deferred, 1910. [219] Loc. cit. (see 190). [220] Practical Dietetics, 1917 (p. 254). [221] Zentr. Biochem Biophys., 1912 (vol. xiii: p. 504). [222] Jour. Anat. & Physi., through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxv: p. 345). [223] Lancet, Dec. 2, 1911. [224] Pharmacology, 1913 (p. 258). [225] Butler, Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology, 1906 (p. 256). [226] Togami, K. Biochem. Zeit., 1908 (vol. ix: p. 453). [227] Münch. Med. Wochenschr. (vol. lx: pp. 281–85, 357–61). Naturwiss. Umschau. d. Chem., Ztg. 1913 (p. 4). Schweiz. Wochenschr. (vol. li: pp. 490–92). [228] Loc. cit. (see 197). [229] Through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1916 (vol. xxx: p. 443). [230] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1909 (vol. xvi: p. 271). [231] Frankel, F.H. Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1910 (vol. xxxi: p. 446). [232] Food Values, 1914 (p. 54). [233] Policlin., 1920 (no. 27: p. 1011). [234] Funk, C. The Vitamines, 1922 (p. 270). [235] Potter. Materia Medica, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 10th ed., 1906 (p. 187). Culbreth. Materia Medica and Pharmacology, 2nd ed. (p. 520). [236] Nineteenth ed. (p. 254). [237] Loc. cit. (see 220). [238] Keable, B.B. Coffee (p. 97). [239] Wallace, Mrs. C.L.H. "Cholera: Its Cause and Cure." The Herald of Health, through Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1908 (vol. xiv: p. 22). [240] "S. Culapius", Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxv: p. 239). [241] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxv: p. 458). [242] Thurber, F.B. Coffee from Plantation to Cup (p. 182). [243] Health and Longevity Through Rational Diet. [244] Keable, B.B. Coffee (p. 98). [245] Bulson, A.E.J. Am. Jour. Opthal., 1905 (vol. xxii: pp 55–64) Handbook of Medical Science (vol. iii: p. 190). [246] Keable, B.B. Coffee (p. 98). [247] A Manual of Pharmacology (pp. 137, 215). [248] Hawk, Philip B. Loc. cit. (see 196). [249] Good Housekeeping, Oct., 1917 (p. 144). [250] Med. News, 1886 (p. 52). [251] Med. News, 1890 (p. 56). [252] Centr. In. Med., 1900 (p. 21). [253] Loc. cit. (see 220). [254] Arch. Exper. Path. Pharm., 1902 (bd. 48). [255] Bull. gen. therap. (vol. clxvi: p. 379). Zentr. Biochem. Biophys. (vol. xvi: p. 79). [256] Bull. Pharm., 1916 (vol. xxx: pp. 276–78). [257] 1907 (p. 176). [258] U.S. Dispensatory, 19th ed. (p. 253). [259] Hall. I.W. The Purin Bodies of Food Stuffs, 1904 (p. 98). [260] Terapia moderna, Dec., 1891. [261] Arch. intern. physiol. (vol. xiii: pp. 107–14). [262] J. Pharmachol. (vol. iii: p. 609). [263] J. Pharmachol. (vol. iii: p. 468). [264] J. Pharmachol. (vol. iii: p. 455). [265] Wien. Deut. med. Wochenschr. (vol. xxxviii: pp. 1774–76). [266] Comp. rend. soc. biol. (vol. lxxiv: p. 32). [267] D.A. Apoth.-Ztg., 1911–12 (vol. xxxii: p. 4). [268] Med. Record, N.Y., 1916 (vol. xxx: p. 68). [269] Therap. Gazette. 1912 (vol. xxxvi: pp. 6–13). [270] Deut. Arch. Klin. Med., 1920 (vol. cxxxiv: pp. 174–84). [271] Z. physiol. Chem. (vol. lxxvii: p. 259). [272] Bull. Bur. of Chem. (no. 157). [273] Pharm. J., Mar. 31, 1900, through Brit. Med. J., Epit., 1900 (vol. i: p. 35). [274] Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., 1895 (vol. xxxv: p. 449). [275] Ibid., 1895 (vol. xxxvi: p. 45). Ibid., 1896 (vol. xxxvii: p. 385). [276] Arch. de physiol. norm. et path., 1868 (vol. i: p. 179). [277] Inaug. Diss., Königsberg, 1882. [278] Arch. f. exper. Path. u. Pharmakol., 1898 (vol. xli: p. 375). [279] Jour. Am. Med. Assoc., 1917 (vol. lxviii: pp. 1805–07). [280] Berliner Klin. Wochenschrift, 1889 (no. 40). [281] Encyc. der Therapie, 1896 (vol. i). [282] Pester, Med.-Chir. Presse, 1885 (no. 39). Orvosi Hetilap, 1885 (nos. 32–33). [283] Zeitschrift f. Klin. Med., 1893 (vol. xxiii). [284] Mitt. aus der Würzburger Med. Klinik, 1885 (vol. 1). [285] New York Herald, Mar. 24. 1912. [286] Tea & Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvi: pp. 537–41). [287] The Influence of Alcohol and Other Drugs on Fatigue. [288] "The Influence of Caffeine on Mental and Motor Efficiency." Archives of Psychology, 1912 (no. 22). [289] Revista sper. di. Freniatria (vol. xviii: p. 1). [290] Archiv. ital. de Biol., 1893 (vol. xix: p. 241). [291] Inaug. Diss., Marburg, 1894. [292] Revista sper. di Freniatria, 1894 (vol. xx: p. 458). [293] Centralbl. f. Physiol., 1896 (vol. x: p. 126). [294] Psychol. Arbeit., 1896 (vol. i: p. 378). [295] Jour. Med. de Bruxelles, 1897. [296] Molcschott's Untersuchungen, 1899 (vol. xvi: p. 170). [297] Archiv. f. Anat. u. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), Suppl. Bd., 1899 (p. 289). [298] Skand. Arch. f. Physiol., 1904 (vol. xvi: p. 197). [299] Travaux du Lab. de Physiol. Inst. Solray, 1904 (vol. vi: p. 361). [300] Psychol. Arbeit., 1901 (vol. iii: p. 617). [301] C.R. de la Soc. de Biol. Paris, 1901 (pp. 593–627). [302] Op. Cit. (p. 38). (See 285.) [303] Pflügers Archiv., 1877 (vol. xvi: p. 316). [304] Diss., Dorpat., 1887. [305] Psychol. Arbeit., 1896 (vol. i: p. 431). [306] Psychol. Arbeit., 1901 (pp. 203–289). [307] Psychol. Rev., 1911 (vol. xviii: p. 424). [308] Op. Cit. (see 285). [309] Ueber die Beeinflüssung einfacher psychischer Vorgünge durch einige Arzeneimittel (p. 224). [310] Arch, exp. Path. Pharm., 1920 (vol. lxxxv: pp. 339–58). [311] Op. cit. (p. 50). (See 287.) [312] Loc. cit. (see 285). [313] See chapter XXX. [314] La Roque, Jean, Voyage de l'Arabic Heureuse, Paris, 1715. (p. 280.) [315] Encyclopedia Britannica, 11 ed., Cambridge, 1910. (vol. i: p. 118.) [316] La Roque, Jean. Voyage de l'Arabie Heureuse, Paris, 1715 (p. 285). [317] The 1921 figures for all countries given are preliminary. [318] Broadbent, Humphrey. The Domestick Coffee Man. London, 1720. Bradley, Richard. The vertu and use of coffee with regard to the plague and other infectious distempers. London, 1721. [319] Since changed. There is now a Clearing Association. [320] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1911 (vol. xx: no. 4: p. 284). [321] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., July, 1911 (vol. xxiii: no. 1; p. 28). [322] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., Nov., 1910 (vol. xix: no. 5: p. 380). [323] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., Nov., 1914 (vol. xxv; no. 5: p. 397). [324] Stewart, C.H. "The Coffee Status of Venezuela." Tea and Coffee Trade Jour. Jan. 1922 (vol. xlii: no. 1: pp. 29–35.) [325] Wilhelm, R.C. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1916 (vol. xxxi: no. 5: p. 429). [326] Willcox. O.W. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvi: no. 2: p. 38). [327] Zinsmeister, L.G. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvii: no. 6: pp. 558–562). [328] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1910 (vol. xviii: no. 2: p. 161; and no. 4: p. 319). [329] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1910 (vol. xvii: no. 8: p. 242). [330] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1915 (vol. xxviii: pp. 415–416). [331] "Making Coffee for the Consumer", Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1914 (vol. xxvi: pp. 335–338). [332] "Coffee-Making Questionnaire", Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxx: no. 1: pp. 31–34). [333] King, John E., Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxxiii: no. 6: pp. 552–555). [334] Ach, F.J., Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1912, 1919 (vol. xxiii: no. 4: pp. 133–135; vol. xxxvi: no. 4: pp. 344–345). [335] Gillies, E.J., Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxv: pp. 574–576). [336] Wellman, C.P., Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1918 (vol. xxxiv: no. 6: p. 560). [337] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1922 (vol. xlii: no. 1: pp. 75, 76). [338] Bureau of Business Research, Harvard University. [339] Duryee, P.S. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1911 (Vol. xxi: no. 2: pp. 106–110). [340] Findlay, Paul. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1916 (vol. xxx: no. 1: pp. 72–74). [341] Atha, F.P. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1919 (vol. xxxvii: no. 1: p. 50). [342] Weir, Ross W. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxv: pp. 566–568). [343] McCreery, R.W. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1913 (vol. xxv: no. 6: pp. 603–604). [344] Schaefer, J.H. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour.,1917 (vol. xxxiii: no. 1: p. 72). [345] Chamberliane, John, translation, London, 1685, from Dufour's Traitez Nouveaux et Curieux du Café, du Thé, et du Chocolat. [346] The agreement with the São Paulo planters comprehended their furnishing yearly the proceeds of a tax of 100 reis per bag. This actually amounted to $20,000 per month up to January, 1921. During 1921, by reason of a short crop and the advance rate of exchange, the remittances were reduced almost half. In January, 1922, the São Paulo legislature on petition of the Sociedade increased the tax to 200 reis per bag to run for 3 years. In spite of this, the probability is that another short crop and a continued low rate of exchange will keep the Brazil contribution in 1922 down to about $180,000 net. By November, 1921, a total of $671,000 was expended on advertising. Of this, $551,000 was contributed by the planters of São Paulo, and $120,000 by the coffee trade of the United States. [347] About this time, the country was flooded with paper money, worth about 1 to 75, forcing the price of commodities to unheard-of heights, shoes for instance, being sold at £20 per pair. [348] Much of the information that follows is from an article by M.E. Goetzinger in the Percolator, February, 1921. [349] What follows on "Trade Brooms and Panics" is from an article prepared, under the author's direction, by C.K. Trafton, and published in The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, Nov., 1920 (vol. xxxix: no. 5: p. 563). [350] Kauhee (or kahvé) is the Turkish for coffee. [351] Copyright, 1913. Used by special permission of the publishers, the Bobbs-Merrill Co., Indianapolis, Ind. [352] Copyright, 1916, by Henry Holt & Co., New York. Reprinted by permission. [353] Chatfield-Taylor, II. C. Goldoni. New York, 1916 (p. 607). [354] Copyright, 1903, by G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York. Used by courtesy of the author and the publisher. [355] Copyright, 1893, by Harper Bros., and 1921, by John Kendrick Bangs. Reprinted by permission. [356] Beverages Past and Present, New York, copyright 1908. By courtesy of G.P. Putnam's, Sons, Publishers. [357] The Pot and Kettle, Boston, 1920 (vol. iii: no. 2). [358] See Chapter XXXIII. [359] See chapter X. [360] See chapter X. [361] Proceedings: Second Series, 1899 (vol. xvii: no. 2; p. 390). [362] A mechanical contrivance that took the place of a boy. [363] Jardin, Édelestan. Le Caféier et Le Café, Paris, 1895 (p. 290). [364] In his patent specification, Mr. Carter said on this point: "Small holes should be made through the roaster in sufficient number to allow of the escape of the vapors and volatile matters which escape from the coffee while undergoing the process of being roasted." [365] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1912 (vol. xxiii: no. 6: p. 592). [366] Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Ed. (vol. 11: p. 285). [367] London; 1888 (vol. 1: pp. 222, 224). [368] de Sacy. Baron Antoine Isaac Silvestre. Chréstomathie Arabe. Paris, 1806, (vol. 2). [369] Scribner's Magazine, 1918 (vol. liii: no. 5: p. 620); and Dwight, H.G., Constantinople, Old and New, New York, 1915. Copyright by Charles Scribner's Sons. [370] Carne, John. Syria, the Holy Land. London, 1836 (p. 69). [371] New York, 1857 (p. 276). [372] "The Coffee Cup and the Sugar Bowl." Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1921 (vol. xli: no. 6: p. 809). [373] Frankel, F. Hulton, Ph.D. Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxxii: p. 142). [374] See chapter III. [375] Broadbent, Humphrey. The Domestick Coffee Man, London, 1722. [376] Dutch New York, 1909 (p. 132). [377] Earle. Alice Morse. Customs and Fashions in Old New England, 1909. [378] In 1921, Professor S.C. Prescott, in charge of the research work for the Joint Coffee Trade Publicity Committee at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said that a brew made with the water considerably below the boiling point, was preferable. [379] Meaning the pumping percolator. [380] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxxiii: no. 5: pp. 339–40). [381] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1921 (vol. xli: no. 5: p. 688). [382] See chapter XVII. [383] Pharm. Weekbl. voor Nederl., No. 13, 1899. Apoth. Ztg., 1899 (p. 14). [384] Tea and Coffee Trade Jour., 1917 (vol. xxxiii: pp. 552–55). [385] Hollingworth, H.L. and Poffenberger, A.T., Jr. The Sense of Taste, 1917 (p. 13). [386] Not Édelestan as elsewhere in the volume. - - - The End - - - For more free eBooks