Title Page
1. Cancer - Different Fates
2. Cancer - A Complex Disease
3. SNPS May Be the Solution
4. What Is the Human Genome?
5. DNA and Chromosome Structure
6. The Genome Contains Genes
7. Variation in the Human Genome
8. What Is Variation in the Genome?
9. Variations Causing No Changes
10. Variations Causing Harmless Changes
11. Variations Causing Harmful Changes
12. Variations Causing Latent Changes
13. SNPS Are the Most Common Type of Variation
14. Why Are SNPs Significant?
15. Amino Acids
16. Amino Acid Side Chains Water-Loving
17. Amino Acid Side Chains Oil-Loving
18. Amino Acid Side Chains Ambivalent
19. Proteins
20. Genes to Proteins I
21. Genes to Proteins II
22. Genes to Proteins III
23. Protein Folding and Function
24. SNPs in Coding Regions No Changes in Protein
25. SNPs in Coding Regions - Subtle, Harmless Changes in Protein
26. SNPs in Coding Regions - Harmful Changes in Protein – Mutations
27. SNPs in Coding Regions - Subtle Changes in Proteins That Only Switch on Under Certain Conditions
28. Smoking and Susceptibility to Lung Cancer
29. Smoking and Susceptibility to Lung Cancer - SNPs in Carcinogen-Making Proteins
30. Smoking and Susceptibility to Lung Cancer - SNPs in Detoxifying Proteins
31. Arylamines and Bladder Cancer
32. SNPs and Bladder Cancer Risk
33. Not the Whole Story
34. SNPs and Drug Interactions
35. SNPs in Noncoding Regions - Markers for Genes
36. SNP Maps
37. Individual SNP Profiles
38. SNPs Profiles and Response to Drug Therapy
39. SNP Profiles May Help to Identify Cancer Genes
40. SNPs and Cancer Risk
41. Summary - SNPs and Cancer Research